Friday, April 25, 2008

Lawns, Limbs and Laughter

I haven't updated for a while but this has been a particularly crazy week. We have also missed Andy so much this week! He has been at a conference in Cedar city since Tuesday. Zach got to tag along with me all week. He came to the Youth activity, and two different stake meetings, and to the Chiropractor. Zachary loves to go to the Chiropractor. He likes to take things to Trisha, the receptionist and loves to chase Dr. Gurney down the hall. They are good sports. We put together a bag for Z to carry so he would stay busy during the Stake Auxiliary training and I don't know what I was thinking. I should have picked out some quieter toys. A firetruck, a train, some other little cars and a book. Seems harmless enough I know but Zach has lots of great sound effects and trains and firetrucks are loud!

Here are some pictures we took out in the yard the last nice weekend we had. Zach loves to help out as you can see. It was so nice to have a day to work in the yard. We got a lot done and I was able to turn the soil and the flower beds and get them ready for some annuals!

We have been meaning to take this dying tree out of our front yard but as you can see all it needed was a strong chica like myself to pull half of it out of the ground. I was actually really surprised when it did come out. It was definitely dead.

Here are a couple of random photos we took of Zach. He was wearing Andy's coat around and thought it was so funny to fall down in it.

I came home from a baby shower one day and Andy and Zach were sitting next to our neighbors fence. Zach was sitting next to this frog that our neighbor gave him and I had to take a picture. I wonder what that frog said to make Zach laugh so hard?

I had to include these last photos because Zach loves jammies. He refuses to take them off in the morning and always says he wants to wear "jammie clothes" whenever we are going somewhere. He especially loves this hand-me-down bulldozer top which he calls his tractor jammies. He loves to push strollers around and lovingly buckled up his albino monkey so they could go for a walk.


Carey Johnson said...

Katie, we both absolutely love to see your blog! keep up the good work. It is so fun to see pictures of Zach and read about his adventures. It really helps us get to know him better and see his cuteness. It's great to see your cute home and yard too.

Steve said...

Great photos guys! Thanks for keeping us updated. Andy what was your conference for? Hope it was fun.