Monday, April 7, 2008

Two Years Old

Zach had such a great birthday. The day we celebrated he woke up from his nap to find the house full of some of his very favorite people. Grammy and Papa, Uncle Jarno, Aunt Jan-y and Uncle Bun!!

Zach wanted "happy cake" for his birthday. He started calling cupcakes happy cakes after his friend Sarah's b-day party. It took him a couple of tries to blow those candles out!

He loves his new Cars t-shirt, Thanks Omi!

This is really why it is called happy cake!

It was fun to look back at his pictures from last year with his smash cake and his "Fun to be 1!" hat. We didn't have quite the production this year but Zach was SO HAPPY without all the fuss.

I got him some really simple outside toys so he could "help" me in the garden without using my garden tools.

He completely forgot about his exciting other presents and headed for the garden boxes. It snowed three inches over night so he had to wait a few more days to really use them. He did get to use the hoe to help his daddy clear snow!

Zachary got a big box of surprises in the mail from his Omi!

He got a special visit from his pal Baby Hay (hazel.) Zach is impatiently waiting for Hazel to be able to run around and play with him!

Zach had such a great day! He is such a blessing to have around. We can't imagine life without him!!


Steve said...

Poor little Smartaston guy. We were so glad Miles only had to wear his soft cast for 2 weeks. I can't believe you guys had to get 3 different casts.