Monday, May 12, 2008

Mc a Don-oh's, Pajamas, and Zach Loves to be Naked.

This is Zach's friend Caleb. Zach loves Caleb. Sometime he looks out our front door and says, "Cabee. Cabee play! Cabee coming!" one day I took them to McDonald's (pronounced mi-ca-don-ohs.)

It was so cute to see them sitting in the wagon checking out their sweet Happy meal toys.

Did I mention I had to climb up all of the tunnels and put Zach down the slide? He would not get near a slide for about two weeks and he was not about to go down that big long slide at McDonald's by himself.

Zach can cry on demand. He is such a talented kid.

Pajama Party!

We just started a little date night exchange with Lincoln and Daniel's parents. Zach has so much fun playing with these two fun boys. He was excited to hear they were coming over and even more excited to know they could have a pajama party. They sat here for about 10 minutes just being silly in their pajamas...

Zach loves to be naked...

...really loves to be naked. I mean I'm sure most kids do but I am just grateful he can't remove all of his clothes himself yet or he would be naked 90% of the time. The other 10% he would be wearing jammies.

In this picture he is being a naked puppy, wearing daddy's "fi- lops"

Zach thinks he is naked in this picture

He wanted to run around naked when he got out of the bathtub but as soon as he walked out of the steamy bathroom he said he was cold and wanted to wrap up. Since he couldn't keep his towel around him and use his arms he pulled the tie from my robe out and had me tie him up.

Zach was standing in front of our front door- NAKED- watching passerby when I got out of the shower the other day.

That was after I walked through our kitchen.

I also couldn't find his wipes and a couple other items. I searched the house for them from top to bottom and found them that evening in my portable file box when I was teaching my class. Amazing what can happen when you hop in the shower for 5 min.


Zach had a great time at his friend Macy's birthday party. Zach is always excited to see Macy, Macy's house, anyone in Macy's family and has fun playing with her. He and Caleb practiced singing the birthday song for her.


Anonymous said...

I love the nakes pics! It was fun seeing you guys the other day!

Christine said...

Man, I wish I could roam around the house naked all day but we have to many open windows around here. We miss you guys! Let's hang...

Charee B Mcclellan said...

Katie- looks like you guys are always doing something fun! Great blog, I have enjoyed running upon it. Hope you are doing well. Cute family!!

Emilee said...

that's funny! naked kids are so cute though!

Doglover said...

Are you participating in a competition? You brag about your kid and naked time and even try to put figures on? What is that to brag about? Do you want to raise the most naked kid in ....well what? Your city, country?